Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love. A day to tell your dear ones how much they mean to you. A day to count the ways that they have changed your life.
Not all of us have significant others, but we have family—mothers and fathers, siblings and friends, some with us and some gone from our lives—and all of them mattered. All of them made a difference in helping us become the people we are today.
But what if you didn’t have anyone to celebrate? What if you had no one to love you? No one to tell you the ways you matter?
This Valentine’s Day, consider showing your love by donating towards a scholarship for hosting an orphan this summer. Instead of asking for flowers or candy or jewelry, sign up for the photo listing and select a child to sponsor.
Give the gift of love this Valentine’s Day.
Scholarships make a HUGE difference—80% of the children with a scholarship are chosen for hosting. What is a $10 box of candy, or a $25 bouquet of flowers compared to helping someone else know that they matter and that they are loved?
To celebrate Valentine’s Day, New Horizons will double any scholarship donation of $25 or more for unmatched children. DOUBLE your gift of love February 13-16, 2014.
Scholarships help change lives. Please give one today.
“Someone made a $500 donation scholarship to our host daughter before we were matched with her. That donation spurred us to choose her from the 2-3 girls we were

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