Ukraine Crisis
Imagine being an orphaned child amidst a war.
The soldiers, the barricades, the guns…. it’s incredibly distressing. You’ve already been separated from family, living in an institution… and now being told to flee for your life from bombs in the sky. The amount of trauma for orphaned and vulnerable children in Ukraine is unreal. It’s devastating!
New Horizons for Children is on the ground in Ukraine working with orphanages and boarding schools all across the country. Already we have helped support over 30 Safe Havens taking in over 5,000 children to have shelter, food, medical care, and other resources in Ukraine. This relocates everyone to a safe place, yet limits the trauma of moving children so quickly to a new country and system of care and keeps them with their known caregivers. Each facility is prepared with bedding, food, medical supplies, trauma-informed resources, and other needs.
NHFC has an agreement with the Lviv oblast to help care for all the orphaned children needing evacuation and ongoing care. The original Safe Haven Project has become much larger than what we originally thought. With this in mind, we have now established NHFC Ukraine which is focused solely on Ukraine. Through NHFC Ukraine, we are continuing to help evacuate and support orphaned children.
We have also created the NHFC Hope House, which is a residential program for a Ukrainian family willing to take in up to 10 displaced orphaned children. In June 2024, we opened our first “family-style” home in western Ukraine and trained our first foster parents in trauma-informed parenting who will receive onoing emotional and behavioral support from NHFC Ukraine.
We’re very close to providing another house large enough for one of our foster families to welcome children into a loving home – far from the frontlines of the war. They will become mom and dad to ten children who need a family. But we can’t do it without you. It will take approximately $250,000 to purchase, furnish, and sustain our next Hope House for the foster parents and ten children. We have a foster family trained in trauma-informed parent training, and we have children, but we don’t have a house. Will you help us give the children a home and a family?
In addition, we want to have a huge impact on all the vulnerable children in western Ukraine. We want to provide trauma-informed care training to any adult in western Ukraine willing to learn. We have current foster parents and over 22,000 teachers wanting to be trained as soon as possible. We plan to hire four more trainers to help us. Renting training locations, preparing meals, and providing materials costs about $50 per person for a complete day. The comprehensive training is 4 days long. We hope to raise $300,000 to support training all over the Lviv oblast.
Please encourage your church, your friends, and your neighbors to join in the efforts to help care for the children of Ukraine. Here are three ways to do this.

#1: Become a monthly Change Maker (or increase your current monthly donation)
Our current work in Ukraine to safely house and support the children costs approximately $18,000/month. With your family, choose an amount that you would like to commit to and easily set-up your monthly payment information. These consistent donations allow us to care for the children in Ukraine now and also to have predictable budgets moving forward so that we can make decisions about how to provide consistent care for the children as their circumstances change.

#2: Approach the leaders at your church or small group to ask for a donation from the church benevolence fund and/or for an opportunity to request donations from the congregation directly.
- Add your information and give the Church Request Letter to your church leader
- Ask to share about New Horizons for Children with your congregation
- Talk to your Bible study group and choose to provide for something on the Needs List

#3: Begin with a one time donation to NHFC for Ukraine
Any and every donation helps no matter how large or small. Click the image to give a one time gift to NHFC Hope House. Whichever gift you give, you are changing lives. Thank you for your commitment to care for these precious children. Your gift to care for the fatherless will make a difference!