Kenya August 11-19, 2023
This is an amazing trip but well out of the American comfort zone. The team will fly to Nairobi and then bus to a desolate bush region about 6 hours from Nairobi. The team will spend 4-5 days at the orphanage and the nights at an extremely basic hotel in the village. Often, there is no water or electricity.
At the orphanage, the team will be doing crafts, Bible stories, games, sports, activities with the children, and assisting with small projects around the center. There is a minimal amount of solar power and limited well water at the orphanage. Bottled drinking water will be provided. Prior to going, the team will meet via video conference to pray, be trained, and prepare for this trip. At the end of the trip, the team will return to Nairobi for a day of debriefing and optional sightseeing.
What Are The Costs?
Team members raise 100% of the funds for the mission trip. Most members cover their fees by raising support from their church, family, and friends. NHFC will provide you with a fundraising page to share on your social media. The donations given for airfare, mission trip fees, and immunizations go directly to NHFC and are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. If you have raised enough support given to NHFC to cover these expenses, you can submit your receipts and be reimbursed for these charges. If you have not raised enough support, you will need to pay for these fees, but you can submit your receipt to receive a tax donation credit. Optional excursion fees are leisure travel and not tax deductible.
Mission Trip Fees
$1,550$250 is due within 3 days of being notified that your application has been accepted and approved. The remaining $1300 is due by July 15, 2023.
VISA and Travel Insurance - $100
Lodging (Nairobi and Mutomo), water, and meals - $650 (individual rooms are additional cost)
Airport Shuttles, In-country Transportation and Fuel - $300
Supplies and project fees (past supplies include VBS supplies, clothing, milk/food, Bibles, school items, etc.) - $500International Airfare
$1,200 - $1,800Flights must be purchased by June 1, 2023. Cost varies by city. You can book your own flight or have NHFC assist you in completing it. Raised funds must be in your account at time of purchase, or you must use your own credit card for and submit the receipt for a tax donation letter or reimbursement once your raised funds are available.Immunization Fees (if needed)
$100-$300Vaccines need to be completed by July 15, 2023. They may be hard to find and may cost varying amounts based on provider. Costs can range from $100-$300 depending on provider.
1. Covid 19 vaccination or rapid PCR test within 72 hours of entry (Required),
2. Yellow Fever (Required),
3. HepA, Typhoid, Meningitis, and Tetanus (Strongly Advised)
4. Malaria pills for the trip (Strongly Advised)Optional Excursion Fee
$550Non-refundable and due by May 15, 2023. This is optional and adds two days to the trip. The cost includes lodging in a safari lodge in the Massai Mara, evening and morning safari runs, tip for safari guide, tip for hotel staff, and some of the meals. You will need your own packed snack foods to eat while on safari runs.
Additional costs not included:
- Personal traveling supplies, if desired
- Personal expenses you incur
- Meals and snacks. All breakfasts are provided at hotels and one dinner. Everyone brings their own finger foods for 5 days of lunch, dinner, and snacks.
How Do I Apply?
Space is limited on each trip. You must be over the age of 18 or over 16 with a parent. There is only one rented van to go from Nairobi out to the bush. Within 10 days of submitting your application, you will be notified about whether you have been selected for the trip, declined for a particular reason, or placed on the waiting list due to no current remaining slots.
If selected for the trip, you will need to pay the $250 non-refundable deposit within 3 days to hold your position and then continue to meet each of the timeline requirements in preparation for the trip. Any missed deadlines may result in your space being given to another applicant. All travel and mission trip fees paid are considered a donation to NHFC and are non-refundable.
Deadline for applications is May 15, 2023. Space is limited.